Introduction To Handguns

Want to learn how to safely operate a handgun (both revolvers and semi-autos)? Unsure about how to store one or the laws relating to firearms in WA State? This 3 hour non-shooting class taught in Ballard will get you started on your path to responsible handgun ownership. In a small group setting under the direction of an NRA instructor and former military officer, you will operate real handguns with dummy ammunition and practice the fundamentals of shooting using laser enabled training guns. This class is HB 1143 compliant and you will receive the certificate needed to buy a firearm in WA State upon completion.

You will learn the universal rules of safety, the different types of handguns and ammunition, selection criteria in purchasing one, how to load/unload, how to store them, the fundamentals of marksmanship, WA State firearms laws and a lot more. The class cost is $150/1 person and $250/2 people from the same family. Payment (via PayPal or Venmo) is due at the time of registration but you can shift to a later class if you have a last minute conflict.

If you have a small group who would like a private class, that can also be arranged at a group rate. Reach out!

The next class is Sept 20th at 9am in Ballard

The following classes are Oct 4th at 9am and Oct 27th at 9am in Ballard